HARTFORD, CT: Volleyball will mean big business for the Connecticut's Capital Region when the New England Region Volleyball Association (NERVA) hosts the "2014 Mizuno New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament" at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford. Tournament organizers and the Connecticut Convention & Sports Bureau (CTCSB) are looking forward to welcoming close to 6,000 visitors from New England and the Northeast U.S. during the long Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. Attendees will stay in 26 hotels Friday, January 17 through Monday, January 20. Approximately 2,000 players, 250 coaches, 100 officials and volunteer tournament staff, and 3,500 family members and fans are expected. Kicking off the new year with the Mizuno New England Winterfest Tournament is especially important to Greater Hartford because the event will generate approximately $1.8 million in revenue in this region and beyond over the long holiday weekend. The CTCSB manages the tournament's hotel reservation process, which involves close to 4,100 overnight rooms at 26 hotels in the Greater Hartford area, an increase of nearly 13 percent over last year's bookings. In addition to spending money in our hotels, attendees will dine in a wide variety of restaurants, shop in area stores, and enjoy Connecticut attractions just a drive away. "The Mizuno New England Winterfest is the largest volleyball tournament - girls or boys - held in New England and is designed to showcase female high school volleyball players, ages 14-18, to college coaches and recruiters from throughout the Northeast," explains Tournament Chair Alex Temkin, the Volleyball Coach at the University of Hartford. "Hartford is a great location for our sports event and region really makes our players and fans feel welcome. Downtown restaurants extend their hours, customize menus, and really do their best to accommodate our group." Admission to the matches is free for spectators and no reservations are needed. For a full schedule and more information about the Mizuno New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament, visit