The prestigious event is hosted by the German Shepherd Dog Club of America - Working Dog Association. Event organizers expect 3,000 spectators over the three-day event. The host hotel is the Trumbull Marriott Merritt Parkway.
"The German Shepherd Dog is of great value to Military, Search & Rescue, Law Enforcement, and Disaster Recovery missions and to handicapped individuals and those with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder," explains John Henkel, the event's local coordinator and a competitor. "This wonderful breed also is, of course, a very popular family pet. Competing dogs and their owners and trainers are coming from Canada, Mexico, Central, Germany and South America, and as far as Hong Kong," adds Henkel. "They will compete in performance tests that range from Conformation to Progeny (Offspring) Quality evaluations, and Courage evaluations."
For more information about the event, visit or contact Event Chair Sandra Akoury at (203) 730-1930.
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