Connecticut is featured in SportsEvents Magazine for the month of September.
Connecticut is conveniently locatedbetween New York City and Boston in NewEngland. The small state is full of coastalcities, small picturesque towns, major metroareas and lots of history and attractions.And with a state capital that's within a twoand-a-half-hour drive of more than 23.5million people, The Constitution State isalso a prime destination for sporting eventsof all types. "Connecticut is fortunate tohave an extensive range of sports venueson all levels, public and private, collegiateand university, state-owned stadiums andarenas that offer tremendous opportunitiesfor regional tournaments and nationalchampionships," said Robert Murdock,president of the Connecticut Convention& Sports Bureau. "Whether it's golfing at aworld-class golf course, going ziplining andgo-kart racing, playing softball or pickleball,sailing on the Long Island Sound or watchingarena sports like basketball, ice hockeyor boxing, the experiences here will bememorable."