Caribbean Jerk Festival- Hartford, CT

Connecticut Events Calendar

The Connecticut Convention & Sports Bureau’s Industry Partner, the Connecticut Office of Tourism, showcases the most current "Calendar of Upcoming Events in Connecticut" and "Things To Do This Weekend"  on their website,  Check it regularly to see all the current events and happenings that Connecticut has to offer your meeting & event attendees.

Calendar of Upcoming Events in CT

Look into the future to see what events are happening when your meeting,sports event, convention or... read more

Things To Do This Weekend

Discover what is happening in Connecticut this coming weekend. read more


Follow us on social media, @CTMEETINGS, to discover more about what's happening, where we are visiting and updates from our Partners. Feel free to share your pics and stories while attending a Connecticut Meeting by using the hashtag #CTMEETINGS!

You can also follow the Connecticut Office of Tourism with the #CTvisit hashtag to discover local Connecticut events, attractions, businesses and products.


Need more information on happenings nearby your event or over your event dates in Connecticut, please contact our Convention Services staff.


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Taia Lionetti Sports/S.M.E.R.F. Sales & Convention Services

Direct: (860) 882-1102
Cell: (860) 500-0527